
  • November
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024)

    We are pleased to announce that Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2024, has been successfully published. This issue features 5 articles contributed by authors from Indonesia and Iraq, showcasing diverse perspectives and innovative research in the field of material studies. We encourage our readers and the research community to explore the latest findings presented in this edition.

  • July
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

    We are pleased to announce that our July 2024 issue (Vol. 2, No. 2) has been published. This edition includes five scientific articles contributed by researchers from Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. We invite our readers to explore these latest contributions, which we hope will enhance your knowledge and understanding in the respective fields. Happy reading!

  • March
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

    We are pleased to announce the publication of five articles in the March issue of 2024 (Vol. 2, No. 1), each written by individuals from two countries, Indonesia and Afghanistan. Explore the diverse perspectives and collaborative endeavours featured in this issue, which contribute to the advancement of knowledge across borders. Explore groundbreaking research and insights from diverse perspectives in this latest issue! Don't miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in groundbreaking research and insights. Explore the latest issue now!

  • November
    Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)

    With great pride, we present the latest edition of our journal, Volume 1 Number 3, which has been published in November 2023. This edition captivates with global diversity, featuring five valuable articles originating from two different countries, Indonesia and Iraq. Through the shared knowledge of the authors from both nations, we present a collection of articles highlighting the application of sustainable materials. Each article is not only a research achievement but also a valuable contribution in demonstrating how sustainable materials can be applied in diverse ways. We invite readers to explore each of these articles, which not only reflect a diversity of ideas and innovations but also provide a rich insight into the importance of sustainable materials in addressing future challenges. Thank you for your attention to this journal; we hope this edition provides valuable insights and inspiration.

  • July
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)

    We are pleased to welcome you to the latest issue of the Indonesian Journal of Materials Research, Volume 1 Number 2, which has been published in July 2023. On this occasion, we are pleased to present a number of articles that illustrate the potential of sustainable materials for environmental applications. Through this collection of writings, we seek to provide in-depth insights and a broader understanding of the contribution and innovation of sustainable materials in addressing the challenges of wastewater management. We hope that these articles will serve as a valuable source of inspiration and guidance for readers interested in environmental and sustainability issues. Thank you for your attention to this issue, and we hope that the information contained within will make a positive contribution to the development of sustainability science and practice in the future.

  • March
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

    Introducing the inaugural issue of the Indonesian Journal of Material Research (IJMR), a peer-reviewed, open-access journal committed to fostering innovation and collaboration in material science. In this first issue, we showcase a collection of articles that demonstrate the potential of sustainable materials for environmental applications, particularly in the area of wastewater treatment. We are proud to share these impactful studies in our first issue and encourage readers to explore, discuss, and build upon the knowledge presented in the Indonesian Journal of Material Research.